BTF Testing Lab and you detailed FCC ID certification test


BTF Testing Lab and you detailed FCC ID certification test

BTF Testing Lab with you to explain FCC ID, as we all know, in many certifications, FCC certification is familiar, can become a household name, how to understand the new FCC ID, BTF Testing Lab for you to explain, for your FCC certification escort.

Application for FCC ID certification requires the provision of local agent (Medai) information in the United States. FCCID is composed of GRANTEECODE randomly arranged by FCC agency to manufacturers, plus a product code prepared by the factory itself. FCCID=Granteecode+Productcode It is important to note that Productcode consists of 1-14 uppercase letters or numbers or hyphens' - ', as defined by the applicant. Customers can enter GRANTEECODE's code on this website and see all FCC certification information for the company's products.

The FCC also recently adopted FCC 22-84 on Preventing national security threats to the communications supply chain through the Equipment Authorization Program. The regulations have been published in the Federal Register and are effective immediately, that is, starting February 6, 2023, every licensee applying for an FCC ID will require U.S. agent information (unless the applicant is a U.S. company). And continue to prohibit the authorisation of equipment covering telecommunications equipment and video surveillance equipment produced by enterprises included in the list of entities regularly updated by the Committee. The notice is effective immediately with no transition period.

Subsequent FCC ID Wireless communication equipment such as telecommunications equipment and video surveillance equipment must meet the following requirements to apply for FCC ID certification:

The first certification attachment is for the applicant to certify that the certified device is not in the list of covered devices and that the applicant is not in the list of covered applicants. There are two proofs in this proof exhibition, both of which must be kept as separate letters and not combined.

The second letter of certification designates the United States agent to perform the subpoena service. Under KDB and Section 2.911(d)(7), the applicant must designate a contact person located in the United States to serve the legal documents as the applicant's agent, regardless of whether the applicant is a domestic or foreign entity. Applicants located in the United States may appoint themselves as agents for the service of legal documents. The new FCC role is similar to the Canadian representative role for ISED Canada's equipment certification requirements.

Application FCC ID certification requirements to provide US local agent information questions

Q.1 When will it be mandatory for FCC certification to provide Midai?

A: From now on (that is, February 6, 2023), all wireless communication products exported to the United States FCC-ID certification requires U.S. agent information, except for the applicant is a U.S. company. to divide FCC ids applied before February 6, 2023?

A: At present, the applicant who has not issued a certificate before February 6, 2023 needs to fill in the relevant information of Medai. Even if it is issued today, if there is no Medai, it needs to fill in the Medai. If the applicant has issued the certificate before February 6, 2023, it is not required to supplement the application information.

Question 3. Which manufacturers are involved in this new FCC requirement?

A: In addition to covered list companies, there are related (such as covered list transfer investment companies, or subsidiaries) also count.

Q4. What is the difference between this new requirement and the previous FCC-ID certification?

A: This new requirement requires applicants to provide two new proofs:

The first is to require the applicant to prove that the certified device is not in the list of covered devices and that the applicant is not in the list of covered applicants. This certificate includes 2 declaration letters: 1.1 Attestation Statements Part 2.911(d)(5)(i) Filing, 1.2 Attestation Statements Part 2.911(d)(5)(ii) Filing.

The second is to appoint a U.S. agent to serve the subpoena. Under KDB and Section 2.911(d)(7), the applicant must designate a contact person located in the United States to serve the legal documents as the applicant's agent, regardless of whether the applicant is a domestic or foreign entity. Applicants located in the United States may appoint themselves as agents for the service of legal documents. The new FCC role is similar to the Canadian representative role for ISED Canada's equipment certification requirements.

Q.5 Is the first Attestation Statements Part 2.911(d)(5)(i)-(ii) required to be signed by the customer only if the list listed in section 1.50002 has changed? If there is no change, can I sign a copy so that the subsequent application can continue to be reused?

A: The content of this declaration letter is dated with the application date and requires each device authorization to be individually signed and dated, so it needs to be re-signed each time the application is made.

Q.6 If the covered list and the U.S. agent have not changed, can the signed letter of identification be reused?

A: If the applicant's U.S. agent information has not changed, the agent identification letter used before can be reused.

Q7. If the applicant is not an American company and there is no American company with which to cooperate, can BTF provide agency service?

A: Yes, BTF has a long-term cooperation with the United States agent company, can provide this service.

Post time: Jun-03-2019