EU POPs regulation adds ban Methoxychlor


EU POPs regulation adds ban Methoxychlor


On September 27, 2024, the European Commission published revised regulations (EU) 2024/2555 and (EU) 2024/2570 to the EU POPs Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 in its official gazette. The main content is to include the new substance methoxyDDT in the list of prohibited substances in Appendix I of the EU POPs Regulation and revise the limit value for hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD). As a result, the list of prohibited substances in Part A of Annex I of the EU POPs Regulation has officially increased from 29 to 30.

This regulation shall come into effect on the 20th day after its publication in the official gazette.

The newly added substances and modified related information are as follows:


Substance Name


Specific exemptions for intermediate use or other specifications

New substances added







1348358-72-4, etc

According to point (b) of Article 4 (1), the concentration of DDT in a substance, mixture, or article shall not exceed 0.01mg/kg (0.000001%)

Revise substances




1. For the purpose of this article, the exemption in Article 4 (1) (b) applies to the composition of flame retardant products in substances, mixtures, articles, or articles with a concentration of HBCDD ≤ 75mg/kg (0.0075% by weight). For the use of recycled polystyrene in the production of EPS and XPS insulation materials for construction or civil engineering, clause (b) shall apply to HBCDD concentration of 100mg/kg (0.01% weight ratio). The European Commission shall review and evaluate the exemptions specified in point (1) before January 1, 2026.

2. Article 4 (2) (3) and (EU) Directive 2016/293 and (4) apply to expanded polystyrene products containing HBCDD that were already in use in buildings before February 21, 2018, and extruded polystyrene products containing HBCDD that were already in use in buildings before June 23, 2016. Without affecting the application of other EU regulations on the classification, packaging, and labeling of substances and mixtures, expanded polystyrene using HBCDD placed on the market after March 23, 2016 should be identified throughout its entire lifecycle through labeling or other means.


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Post time: Oct-10-2024