Indonesia requires local testing of mobile phones and tablets


Indonesia requires local testing of mobile phones and tablets

The Directorate General of Communications and Information Resources and Equipment (SDPPI) previously shared a specific absorption ratio (SAR) testing schedule in August 2023. On March 7, 2024, the Indonesian Ministry of Communications and Information issued Kepmen KOMINFO Regulation No. 177 of 2024, which imposes SAR restrictions on cellular telephone telecommunications equipment and tablets.
Decision points include:
Mobile and tablet devices have established SAR restrictions. Mobile phones and tablet devices are defined as telecommunications devices that are used at a distance of less than 20 centimeters from the body and have a radiation emission power exceeding 20mW.
Starting from April 1, 2024, head SAR restrictions will be enforced.
Starting from August 1, 2024, torso SAR restrictions will be enforced.
Mobile and tablet device certificate applications after the effective date must include SAR test reports.
SAR testing must be conducted in a local laboratory. Currently, only SDPPI laboratory BBPPT can support SAR testing.
The Indonesian Directorate General of Communications and Information Resources (SDPPI) previously announced that specific absorption ratio (SAR) testing will be officially implemented on December 1, 2023.
SDPPI has updated the schedule for local SAR testing implementation:


Post time: Apr-07-2024